I have wanted to go to the Redwood Forest all my life. Visiting Muir Woods a few years ago confirmed that that is a dream I have and will not die without seeing them and loving every second of it. So, I'm going, with the kids of course. I'm going to start planning a trip right now for next summer and would love to have anyone join me that would like to for some or all of the trip. I know that you are all lucky enough to have husbands that work, and they can't take a lot of time off, but you are able to do things without your husband, and it's still fun. I'm planning on beign gone for at least two weeks. If you can join me for just a few days or a whole week, or the entire time, I would love it. I found a map called "the best of the Redwood Coast", 25 great things to see and do in Humboldt county and I'm doing them; ALL of them. Ok, most of them. Believe me, it's a long drive to get there and an even longer drive home. I hate driving and road trips, but seeing as this is one of my life long dreams, I'm doing it and going to suck it up and make the drive! So I'm going to start saving right now (maybe next month) so that I have a good chunk of change to spend and not have to eat off the 99 cent menu every meal of every day; blah. I am going to camp, at campgrounds with showers, but I'm planning on camping in the redwood forest, so it's a camping trip. If you are interseted in seeing what types of daily activities I'm going to do, here is a link to the map and list of things to do that I"m planning on doing:
http://redwoods.info/redwood-coast-map-to-do.pdf It's going to be awsome. I don't know exactly when I am going to go. Probably in July. Let me know if you are interested in joining me for some or all of this adventure. And I would love to have anyone, even if you aren't family, technically speaking :)