Thursday, April 17, 2008

Leavin' on a jet plane...

It's been a while...not much to report. Life for the Jenkins is pretty par for the course, or maybe, more accurately, average for the ballfield. We are thick into baseball right now. No complaints here - for me it means sitting outside in beautiful weather while my little people dig in the dirt, climb trees, spill their slurpies, and litter the grass with fishies. Quinny is big enough now to fend for himself, so I pretty much just get to enjoy and occasionally even get to catch a bit of the action on the field.

The real big news is that I get to fly in for a quick weekend to see Mrs. McAfee steal the show. Can't wait! Saturday, June 21st. Plan for a crowd that night, Em.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Jane's baptism

It was a really nice day. Casey baptized Jane and Mike confirmed her. I think the picture with both of them is really cute how she is holding both of their hands. It was a very nice occasion (long, but nice)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Positive feedback = full speed ahead

I am glad some of you commented on my suggestion. Roy thought it wasn't as good of an idea, but he isn't the biggest game-guy around. So, I thought that everyone could come up with 10 questions. That way, one couple won't have all the answers b/f our trip. -Jen